Open Adoption
How Does Open Adoption Work?
If you’ve just started to think about adoption for your baby or child, you’ve probably heard of the term “open adoption.” What does it mean? And how does it work? Well, a big part of open adoption is choosing the adoptive parents for your baby. Lifetime has a wide variety of hopeful adoptive parents living all over the US. You can pick the parents for your baby or child based on your criteria. Maybe you’re looking for a couple who live in a certain region. Or, maybe you’re hoping your child will be raised in a similar faith as you. And, open adoption means that you can get updates on your child as they grow up. Lots of birth mothers choose to get updates through email, social media, and letters. Others meet with the adoptive family and their child each year.
You have the right to decide how much future contact you’d like. And then we’ll help you find a couple who’s open to that amount of communication, too. Right now, you might be wondering, “so, what’s so great about open adoption?” One of the major benefits of open adoption for you is that you can remain a part of your child’s life. Open adoption doesn’t mean that you’re saying goodbye forever. It can be a respectful agreement between you and the adoptive parents. You have the chance to be involved in your child’s life with whatever amount you’re comfortable. It also gives you the opportunity to build a relationship with your child’s adoptive parents – one based on mutual respect.